1. Add a new virtual hard disk from within the Boot Camp VM settings (it should be Add Device… —> New Hard Disk) of IDE type (the size doesn’t matter, and probably it shouldn’t be of the split type), and save it – with a NameOfVMDK.vmdk name of your choice – inside your Boot Camp VM bundle (it should be the default position in the save dialog); close the VM settings and quit Fusion.
2. In the Terminal, type this command:
$ /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-rawdiskCreator create /dev/diskX fullDevice ./Desktop/NameOfVMDK ide
… which will create the new .vmdk file on your Desktop.
3. Copy the newly created .vmdk into your Boot Camp VM bundle, thus overwriting the existing one (which was created from within the VM settings).
4. Open Fusion and the VM settings again and verify that the new IDE virtual disk now has the size of your real added hard disk.
Move Gnome window buttons
If you are used to left-side Close, Minimize, Maximize buttons, then can be moved by editing dconf.
- If you are using Metacity (Gnome3 fallback), settings are located in:
- If you are using Gnome3, settings are located in
Contents of the given key must be:
LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)
Ubuntu message “warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)” can be cured by adding to file /etc/default/locale
the following line:
For immediate effect command must be entered:
export LC_ALL=â€en_GB.UTF-8″
Fix print 4x scaling
My Linux printer was scaling down 4x times each printout, except ones from “document viewer”. Turned out that default option “Pages per sheet” in CUPS was reset to 4.
In order to set default value of “Pages per sheet” in CUPS to 1:
1)Stop cups: /etc/init.d/cups stop
2)edit file /etc/cups/printers.conf and set
Option number-up 1
3)Start cups: /etc/init.d/cups start
Make Adobe Reader appear in GNOME3 applications
Edit file /usr/share/applications/AdobeReader.desktop
Change line: Exec=acroread
to Exec=acroread %U
Run: sudo update-desktop-database
Make to work keyboard volume keys in Gnome
Using gconf-editor it is necessary to modify
to value:
Full info here
Increase rouncube attachment limit
1)Set global limits in file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
2)Set local limits in /usr/share/roundcube/.htaccess
php_value upload_max_filesize 16M
php_value post_max_size 17M
php_value memory_limit 256M
P.S. Perhaps you will need to adjust your Postfix SMTP server message size limit in /etc/postfix/main.cf
message_size_limit = 33554432
Missing unopkg in Meneley desktop
If Mendeley desktop for linux shows warning about OpenOffice plugin and “unopkg” then you have to reinstall Mendeleywith Open Office / Libre Office runnng in the background.
Restore icons necessary for mail-notification
Seems that program mail-notification lacks some gnome icons. For theme “clearlooks” they can be created using script:
cd /usr/share/icons/gnome
for f in 8 16 22 24 256 32 48
do cp $f'x'$f/status/stock_mail.png $f'x'$f/status/stock_unknown.png
update-icon-caches ./
CUDA acceleration in Adobe Premiere
add card name to
/Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5/Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5.app/Contents/cuda_supported_cards.txt
verify acceleration (and get card name) via command:
/Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5/Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5.app/Contents/GPUSniffer.app/Contents/MacOS/GPUSniffer