RTL SDR dongle installation in MATLAB

su sc
sudo adduser user sudo

sudo -s
vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
blacklist rtl2832

depmod -a
update-initramfs -u

-insert SDR dongle
rmmod dvb_usb_rtl28xxu rtl2832

search RTL in addons
add RTL

mv /home/user/Documents/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2016b/toolbox/shared/sdr /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016b/toolbox/shared
deluser user sudo

-fix matlab path-

Sharelatex e-mail config

settings.email =
fromAddress: "arturs@droid.lv"
replyTo: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_REPLY_TO"] or ""
host: "dockerhost"
port: 25
secure: false
ignoreTLS: true

proxychains via reverse socks proxy

1. Start local socks proxy:
Connect to localhost via SSH and open SOCKS proxy on port 54321.

ssh -f -N -D 54321 localhost

-f runs SSH in the background.

2. connect to server and setup reverse port forwarding
Bind remote port 6666 to local port 54321. This makes your local socks proxy available to the remote site on port 6666.

ssh root@server -R6666:localhost:54321

3. configure the server software to use the forwarded proxy
I found that installing proxychains makes things a lot easier. Its a tool that uses an LD_PRELOAD trick to wrap TCP and DNS requests from arbitrary commands into a proxy.

This is optional – you may also configure yum or whatever to use the socks proxy, when supported. However, proxychains is really cool because it enables any software to use SOCKS proxy, even those without proxy support. (telnet for example)

Setup /etc/proxychains.conf to use the forwarded socks proxy:

# SSH reverse proxy
socks5 6666

Tunnel arbitrary tools (that use TCP) with proxychains:

$ proxychains telnet google.com 80
$ proxychains yum update
$ proxychains apt-get update

Move Gnome window buttons

If you are used to left-side Close, Minimize, Maximize buttons, then can be moved by editing dconf.

  • If you are using Metacity (Gnome3 fallback), settings are located in:
  • If you are using Gnome3, settings are located in

Contents of the given key must be:

Fix print 4x scaling

My Linux printer was scaling down 4x times each printout, except ones from “document viewer”. Turned out that default option “Pages per sheet” in CUPS was reset to 4.

In order to set default value of “Pages per sheet” in CUPS to 1:
1)Stop cups: /etc/init.d/cups stop
2)edit file /etc/cups/printers.conf and set
Option number-up 1
3)Start cups: /etc/init.d/cups start